Light: Shekinah Glory by Robin Densmore Fuson


Shekinah means “dwelling of God.” It’s the presence of God. The word isn’t found in the Bible, but the concept is clear. Shekinah Glory first appears in the book of Exodus in the pillar of cloud that led the children of Israel in the trajectory to the Promised Land. (Exodus 13:20-22)

Our Lord directed His people in a huge manifestation. During the day, a gigantic pillar of cloud hovered overtop of the mass of people and at night, the pillar turned into fire to light the way. This fire announced God’s presence to them and their enemies. It also showed His power. Also, it gave light in the vast dark wilderness. When the pillar moved, the people followed. When it rested, they set up camp and rested.

As a side note: When I get to heaven, I want to watch a replay of the miraculous things the Lord has done and the parting of the Red Sea and the pillar cloud and fire coverings are some of those events. 

Exodus 33 tells us that God spoke out of the cloud, assuring Moses that His presence would go with them. Wow! God was going with them, leading them. In verse 11, it says God spoke to Moses face to face out of the cloud. The people made a tabernacle according to the plans the Lord gave Moses. In the Tabernacle, also referred to as the tent of meeting, the Lord, through or inside his pillar, thus the Shekinah Glory, would often fill it. Or when Moses went in to spend time with the Lord, the cloud stood across the entrance. God’s Shekinah Glory gave evidence of His presence.

In the Tabernacle, right outside the Holy of Holies, stood a lampstand that the Priest kept lit all night to shine in the Lord’s presence. (Exodus 27: 20-21)

In the New Testament, we see the Shekinah Glory manifested at the birth of Jesus. (Matthew 2). The star the Wise Men or Magi followed to the Christ Child could also be the Shekinah Glory instead of a moving star. The star was only manifested to those searching and expecting it. Magi went to Jerusalem expecting that would be the place for the awaited King, but the Jewish scribes searched the scriptures and told them that the Messiah King would be born in Bethlehem.

The magnificent star or aster led them from Jerusalem south to Bethlehem and rested over the house where the child lived. Most celestial bodies move from east to west according to the rotation of the earth, so this star or aster also suggests it’s really the Shekinah Glory that led the Magi the same as it had the Israelites in the wilderness.

Later in the ministry of Jesus, we again see the cloud. At the top of a mountain, Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as light (Matthew 17:2 nlt). Verse 5 says, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly beloved Son, who brings me great joy, listen to Him.”

After Jesus died and resurrected, he visited many people and then one day, He was taken up in a cloud to heaven. Acts 1:9 and in verse 11, an angel promised us that Jesus will return in a cloud. I can’t wait until the day Jesus comes back.

To me, the Shekinah Glory means light. Light that God uses to show Himself so we can get a glimpse of His nature in guidance, light, substance, and means of communication.

The Lord, as the Holy Spirit, is the one who communicates to us and directs us, shedding light on our path before us. When we trust Jesus as our Savior and start a relationship with Him, He gives us the Holy Spirit, who lives and abides in our life.

Have you accepted Jesus for what He did for you by laying down His life for you? How is your relationship with Him? Do you have questions or comments? Leave a comment.  

 Light Series: Light vs Darkness 


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