My Review of Scars by Linda K. Rodante


My Review of Scars by Linda K. Rodante

Scars is the fourth in the Spiritual Warfare Series. A standalone story but you’d be better served if you’ve read the first three. Also, Linda Rodante brought in some favorite characters, Sharee and John Jorgenson from her Dangerous Series. In this Spiritual Warfare series, I love the Church’s mindset of helping those with an illicit background reshape their lives as they come to enjoy a relationship with Christ. The Enemy is always afoot to try to snag them back so prayer on behalf of the believers in the congregation is imperative. Isn’t this the way all Christians should go about fighting the Enemy on our knees in prayer and standing in the worship of our King? This action-packed, heart-stopping, sometimes tear-jerker, page-turner will get your blood pumping. The spiritual truths will strengthen your faith as you read the harrowing events unfold. I highly recommend Scars and the whole Spiritual Warfare Series.  I love the cover and the title. I give it 5 Stars.



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