Doxology by Robin Densmore Fuson

Praise God

The Ladies Bible Study I attend was studying Priscilla Shirer's book, God is Able. During our study we were challenged to write a Doxology. I write stories, so this project was different and challenging.


By Robin Densmore Fuson


I praise You, Oh Lord, creator of heaven and earth.
Thank You for the beautiful creation you gave for me to enjoy.
I praise You, Oh Lord, for sustaining life.
Thank You for good health and the ability to serve You.
I praise You, Oh Lord, for blessings unseen.
Thank You for protection and safety when I’m least aware of my need.
I praise You, Oh Lord, for Your gentle, still, small voice.
Thank You for guiding me to know Your will.
I praise You, Oh Lord, for understanding my weakness.
Thank You for going through trials and physical pain before me.
I praise You, Oh Lord, for love and grace.
I praise You, Oh Lord for salvation.
I praise You, Oh Lord for taking care of my Now, every day, and every second.
