Light Series: Our Light


In the children’s song, This Little Light of Mine by Harry Dixon Loes, we see that we have a light that shines.

The middle verse expresses what our focus is on today; Hide it under a bushel, No!

We as Christians should follow the example of John the baptizer who bore witness of the Light. (John 1:8) God’s light shines in us and we are to let that light shine on a dark world. One of the ways we do this is by showing compassion and kindness to others. Jesus is our example of expressing compassion and kindness (Matthew 9:36, 15:32, Mark 6:34).

Another way to show God’s light is by being humble and Christ Jesus is our example of being humble by giving up His throne and status in heaven to become human. (Philippians 2:1-11)

Generosity and hospitality are other ways to show the light of the Lord. (Romans 12:13 Hebrews 13:16) The Hebrews passage says, And don’t forget to do good and share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.

Forgiveness is another means to let the light of Christ shine. Matthew 18:15-20 and Ephesians 4:20. Even if that person never admits to a fault, doesn’t apologize, or doesn’t ask for forgiveness. Forgiveness frees the person and frees you so you can go on.

The middle part of Matthew 5:16 in the nlt it says, let your good deeds shine out for all to see. In light of the recent events of Hurricane Helene, many people need to see the light of Jesus through us in our actions, gifts, and prayers.

We cannot do these things in our own power. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit’s power as He shines His light that gives us the ability to shine it to the world. When we shine His light, we are drawing people to the Lord, like a moth to the flame. We want people to see Jesus through us. Our lives can be walking testimonies of God’s light. Our most precious gift to the Lord is bringing others to Him so that they might be saved and come with us to Heaven someday.

Nothing should stop our light from shining. We don’t want to put it under a bushel or basket.

In one of my devotions in the Light Series titled, Light vs Darkness we talked about Jesus Christ being our light that lives in us. See Light vs Darkness Here: Light vs. Darkness by Robin Densmore Fuson

Thanks for joining me today. Have a great day!  
