Light Series: Father of Light by Robin Densmore Fuson

The intense pain throbbed behind my eye and through my temple, encapsulating the left side of my head. Migraine. Not another one. Into a dark room, I headed to stave off the sharp stabbing pain. Darkness and quiet calmed my headache into a dull ache. Any form of light roared it back to life.

Although the darkness helped, it became a prison. No communication with others. No working, reading or watching TV. A day lost—wasted—forever gone.

Light. Nothing exists without light.

Plants need light to grow and reproduce. People and animals need light to see, grow, work, and thrive.

“Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and comes down form the Father of lights” (James 1:17 nkjv)

The Father of lights. Our Creator heavenly Father is light. “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1John 1:5b nkjv). This means He is complete light where no darkness or sin exists.

Pure, clean, clear light. God is the author of light. Loyalty, purity, integrity, honor, glory, honesty, wisdom, love, compassion, kindness, gentleness, peace, joy, faithfulness, forgiveness, and all the other things He is. All the things we crave are in Him. All the things we should show, do, and be are His essence and personality.

Light is the place where we should exist.

In the verse in James, we get a promise—the good and perfect gifts we receive are from the Father, who is light.

Think about the brilliance of His essence that we can only imagine. His light shines so bright, heaven has no need for the light of sun and moon or even a candle. His light is all that is needed. (Revelation 22:5)

When we live in His light, we find peace and comfort. We can fight against dark thoughts when we fix our minds on the Father of light. Sin flees when we turn to God. His light banishes sin and darkness.

So when bad thoughts and darkness consume us, we can turn to the Father and He will kick the bad and dark away.

When I’m struggling with a migraine, it always helps when I listen to praise music and lift my mind’s eyes to the Father and praise His name. Praising Him through the storm of pain.



