Under the Shadow by Robin Densmore Fuson


The heat of Florida can be brutal. In a cloudless blue sky, the radiance of the sun can blister. We need to escape under shade.

A little shade can take the scorch out of the brilliance, offering protection and comfort. We all need protection at times in our lives, often daily.

The Lord gives us shade or the Bible calls it His shadow. The Psalms is filled with verses asking to hide under the shadow of the Lord’s protection. Metaphors are scattered throughout scripture of a person tucked under his feathers. Hens tuck their chicks under their feathers for protection from storms and predators or for comfort.

My favorite passage in the Bible is Psalm 91. Verse 1 in the NLT says, Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Rest. We all need peaceful rest.

The Psalmist in Psalm 17: 8 desires to hide in the shadow of the Lord’s wings.

Psalm 36:7 NLT says, All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of Your wings.

We all have a choice if we want the shelter.

Moses wanted to see the Father’s face. The Father told him His face is too wonderful for man to see and so the Lord put Moses into a cleft of a rock and covered Moses with His hand as he walked by and Moses saw the Lord’s back. In essence, the Lord showed a shadow of himself and protected Moses while doing so.

I feel comforted knowing I can go under God’s protective shadow.

God is light. His light is more brilliant than His creation of the sun in our solar system.

James 1:17 NLT Whatever is good and perfect is coming down to us from God our Father who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

Never shifts.

The Israelites in the dessert were directed where to go with a pillar of a cloud during the day and of fire at night. His presence was with them continually. They were protected in shade by day and light at night. Their enemies saw the protection and stayed away. Are you resting under the comforting shadow of the Lord?   


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