Road Trip by Robin Densmore Fuson


My husband Jimmy and I took a long road trip lasting almost the whole month of May, traveling about four thousand miles. Our fantastic travel companion, Belgian Malinois Kenzi, silently accompanied us. We attended three graduations. The first ceremony featured our granddaughter, who fast-tracked and graduated Magna cum Laude at age nineteen.

We then headed to the majestic mountain state of Colorado. We didn’t allow time to drive in my favorite mountains but the picturesque scene greeted us and we traveled the Front Range enjoying the sights. There we stayed with family and attended another triumphant graduation of my stepson.

A week with my parents is never enough as they are in their eighties and it’s always difficult to leave their warm embrace. A lunch date with friends added to our pleasure. We also stayed with the Fuson side of the family with six delightful grandchildren. My best friend came down from Glenwood Springs in the mountains and we enjoyed two amazing days catching up and also connecting as if we had never been apart.

Back on the road, we headed toward Florida taking three long days, and landed at my daughter’s home with another heartwarming graduation where our granddaughter received a special award and looked amazing in her red robe. Congratulating friends and family flocked around her like bees to a flower.

On the interstate, traffic reminded us our society has forgotten courtesy and often tries to kill the other drivers. Eighteen-wheelers, fast pickup trucks, and zooming cars were a constant threat. Drivers vie for the front position even if that means their transport can only attain a half-mile higher speed, then blocking the way for others, the deadly game continues.

On one hand, we were energized relishing in celebrations and the warmth of family and friends, conversations, and great fare. On the other hand, avoiding collisions and fast food, keeping our eyes peeled and alert for anything, exhausted us.

As on our trip, in life we are blessed with joy and pleasure. Also, our lives are fraught with trials, confusion, and sometimes despair. The times we live in and the headlines we read can feel as if the end is near. Just like the enormous truck trying to take the space our vehicle is traveling in, alarm bells go off in our heads and we can feel frightful and overwhelmed.

Life is a wonderful thing but it can get messy. It’s ambrosia one minute and despair the next. What do we do?

Be alert. Be vigilant. Be grateful and express joy. Fill our minds with the Word of God and surround ourselves with people who appreciate and uplift. Reverence the Lord by keeping short accounts with the Father for the sins in our lives, and commune with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Love and respect others.

When we accept Jesus as our Savior and start an amazing relationship with Him, at that moment, we are changed and our heavenly journey starts. Just as Jimmy and I traveled on the perilous roadways to get to these gratifying places, we all live our lives in a sinful world, ultimately to arrive in heavenly paradise. Each person is given a life span that only the Lord knows. The Lord Jesus will come. Is it soon? Or a long way off? We don’t know. Jesus said, only the Father knows the time or the season. We need to take stock of our lives. Are we ready? Want to talk more about this topic? Please comment.

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Mark 13:32 nkjv).”



  1. This is a great analogy of our lives today. It all seems so wonderful and so scary at the same time. Thank goodness for believers the scary part is temporary, as we will be reunited in Heaven with our Lord and Savior. Thank you for writing such an interesting and thought provoking piece!

    1. Thank you for your comment and taking the time to read. :)


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