Bothersome by Robin Densmore Fuson


Insomnia plagues me. One symptoms of fibromyalgia is the body doesn’t rejuvenate and heal during sleep the same as unaffected bodies do. Tiredness and sleepiness are a constant ailment. To help get me into the restful place where sleep can happen, I listen to the Bible throughout the night.

Every night for the last five years, my mind settles down in the scriptures. I get to listen to familiar stories of people and their struggles and their rejoicing.

Until two nights ago.

I woke to silence. It was still dark. The sun hadn’t started its rise over the horizon. I opened the app and saw an empty screen. Black, because I have it on night vision. I restarted the app. Nope. Still no words on the screen. I restarted my phone. Nothing worked. So, I turned on praise music softly so I wouldn’t get all excited and want to raise my voice and my hands in praise.

Though difficult, I managed to rest before my alarm sounded.

This bothersome issue made me think how life would be if I couldn’t get it fixed. Or worse, what if all the Bible programs on the internet went down?

I own numerous Bibles. What would happen if Bibles got banned and confiscated? What if there was a huge book burning and they forced me to relinquish my copies of God’s precious love story to me, you, and all of us?

Would I yield? Give one and hide the others? Hide one small version of sixty-six books? Did I possess, deep inside me, the courage to say, “No! No, you can’t have any of my Bibles!”

I want to be the one to take a stand. I want to be the person who knows, without a doubt, God’s Word is a principal player in my life. I need His Word like I need water and air. Prayer and His Word sustain me.

I have many passages memorized and I know what others say. I know the stories and events. But that’s not enough. I want His Word to penetrate my soul every day. Aren’t we supposed to meditate and memorize His Word? God’s Word is alive and He speaks to me through His Word.

I am who I am because of His Word and because of my relationship with Him. Every day, all throughout the day, I speak to Him. He speaks back through His Spirit and His Word. We have a relationship. So why would I allow His Word taken out of my life?

I can’t. I would fight if someone tried to take my husband or another family member away. His Word is as important. I can’t live without the Lord and His Word.

What do you think? How do you feel?

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11 nlt).

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light to guide my path (Psalm 119:105 nlt).


