Community in The Trees by Robin Densmore Fuson


Do you have a community? Is your community healthy?

I got a crook in my neck by gazing at the entertainment in the trees. Behind our house is a small fascinating forest. Animals run and dance up, across, and down, between and through the trees. An energetic squirrel dashes and leaps in a trek to discover the delights in acorns, insects, berries, and fun among the branches.

A wide variety of birds from great to tiny, flit here and there and sometimes give a tweet or caw. A flutter caught my eye—a small bird, way up in the fifty-foot tree, out on the farthest reaches at the end of a branch, flittered its tail. Busy. Making a nest? The clump of leaves shields the workings of the bird. Another bird approaches and the first takes off but not far and waits. The second bird fidgets in the area of the thick leaves then zooms away. The first bird approaches in a zigzag pattern, landing here and there, to finally land back at the site.

Teamwork. The couple must be fixing, maintaining, or building a fresh nest. Or maybe it’s a smorgasbord of delectable insects or worms that they are sharing?

Everyone needs someone to help him or her. Someone to talk to. Commune with. Love.

Friendship is important. Community is important.

Jesus had friends. He enjoyed the comradery of others. Multitudes surrounded Him. A smaller group worked with him. He had the twelve that ministered alongside Him. In Jesus’ inner circle, were three—Peter, James, and John. Being His closest friends, they went with Him when no one else did. They were privy to Jesus Christ’s great glory and His deepest trials.

We need to be like Jesus and have close people with whom we commune on that level. Jesus could reach out and touch them. Exchange hugs. Hear laughter. Banter turns into a serious discussion. 

 If we keep ourselves away from others, how can we nurture those ties? How can we help each other and learn from each other if we aren’t near?

Community is important. Build it. To keep it healthy, strengthen it with fellowship. A family is important. Your family might be large with extended relations. Or small with one parent or child. Single or a couple. We all need others. God created us to need each other. A community to share hopes, dreams, pain, and sorrow. Be there for each other. We need to be that one who another calls with celebration or tears.

Two birds in a tree working on their goals are a community. We need to be like the birds and find people around us to create a community where we share goals, burdens, and triumphs. Share life. Create community and become a family in that community.

Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15 nlt)

Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. (1 Peter 3:8 nlt)  

