Insensitive by Robin Densmore Fuson


We were gone for a few weeks to visit family in Colorado. Before we left, I watered all my plants and left water globes to help keep them hydrated while we were gone.

Most of my plants weathered the dryness fine, except for one. The poor thing looked, nigh unto death. So pitiful. Pathetic. Being optimistic, I poured water on it and took it outside to soak up some sun. I spoke encouraging words to her and told her I felt sorry for her.

I waited.

In about an hour, the water, sun, and I’m sure my encouraging words revived her.

You and I can be like my sweet white flowering plant. We can become insensitive to the Lord. What I mean by that is we often go long periods without being watered and fed. We think we are all right spiritually, but we are weak and can become sickly and could possibly die.

Every day we need to be in prayer and reading the word of God. To get in excellent spiritual health—meditating, studying, and memorizing are essential. I love to study the word in a weekly Bible study. I catch some studies online, on podcasts, and watch them on videos. I have devotional books that I use. That’s like taking in the special nutrients as my plant did from water and the soil.

The Lord’s love letter, the Bible, teaches us and encourages us. When we take in the Word, the Holy Spirit has more access to us. We need to listen to His voice and obey. In this way, we are getting the nutrients our hearts and minds need. Then we can blossom and grow fruit.

John 15: 5, Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.


Lord, help us not to become insensitive to Your voice. Help us to cling to You in your word and in prayer. In Jesus name Amen!

