Where is She? by Robin Densmore Fuson

My mind is empty. Well, not my complete mind, sometimes it flows too fast with random thoughts. The part of my mind that is my creative storyteller, is on vacation. How do I bring her back? This creative storyteller, whom I have enjoyed her company and relied on, is nowhere to be seen. This is frustrating.

A few months ago, she vanished. One day she was there, happy as a lark, making up incredible things, and then… poof! Gone! It was like a switch had been flipped. Every day I call her. Sometimes, I get a headache trying to reach her. She’s elusive.
I pray for her return. Every day, I ask the Lord what He wants me to write. Then, when time has slipped away and I need a blog story, I rely on teaching instead of storytelling. This is an easier thing for me to do.

Last year, I started a series, The Life of David. We didn’t have curriculum for the children at church for the traditional Sunday school hour. I have written curriculum before and I’m comfortable teaching all ages using just my Bible. I look up things in commentaries and maps and love to make handouts. I prayed about what to teach and the Lord said: David and his life.

So, along with my cute stories about animals and the biblical character lessons they learn, I started incorporating those lessons on David. There are now 16 lessons on David and I am up to the part of Absalom’s rebellion and death. The Lord has blessed these lessons and many hundreds of people around the world have read them. I will finish up these over time and probably go to Daniel next.

The best work that comes off the page is when the Lord and I partner. When He guides my lessons, stories, and even this post, they come alive. His hand has guided my best work. I know when He has been present, and unfortunately, when I write on my own. I’m sure you, the reader, have seen it too.

The Lord gives us strength: Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse doesn't just mean physical strength. The strength is also spiritual. It's a deep confidence in who you are in Christ. The strength the Lord gives you, is in and through what He has already given you. This strength includes your temperament and talents. He makes you a better you, giving His power to strengthen the real you inside and therefore to do the things He has called you to do and be the person He wants you do be. Therefore, I keep asking Him to give me the words He wants me to say in my stories.
I’m still at a loss as to where my creative storyteller went for the cute animal/people stories. Every writer, at one time or another, has writer’s block. Not fun! A while back when I was struggling with writer's block, I put a post on Face Book requesting parents to tell me what their child is frustrating them with. If I have a topic or an animal suggestion, that suggestion will normally bring out my creative storyteller. At that time, I received a few good ideas and off I went with my creative storyteller in the lead. I thank you for those ideas.

So here were are. No sign of my creative storyteller and I need your help. Please pray with me. If you have a topic that you think is needed, let me know and I’ll pray about it and see if that brings her back. You can post your thoughts below. Sometimes, the Lord uses others to help you see what He wants you to do--even writing a story for the world to read. 

I sure hope my creative storyteller comes back happy, rested, and most importantly, brilliantly creative!



  1. Robin, sometimes when I get to a point where I'm not sure what to write, I use a photo. The photo oftentimes will bring something to mind. Once when I was interviewing a German woman who lived in Germany at the time that Hitler came to power, I asked her at the beginning if she had any photos from that time. She went and got a scrapbook and showed me some amazing pictures of herself in grammar school, holding up a school book with a swastika on it. The interview went for over an hour nonstop. Just a suggestion. Hope it helps.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to help me. I'll try that. Blessings!


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