Names of God: Shield by Robin Densmore Fuson
God is our shield. This is another attribute which can be considered one of His names. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the L ord is proven. He is a shield to all who trust in Him (Psalm 18:30 nkjv ). His way is perfect. His word is proven. Those are promises to rest in. We will look at the last part of the verse and zero in on—the Lord is called a shield. Another attribute of His is being a shield for us. What do you think of when I say shield? Do you picture a soldier raising a shield up for protection against enemy weapons, darts, and arrows? Or do you think of a shield as a shelter? Ancient soldiers used a large shield to sleep under like a protective canopy. God is our protector. Thank You Father! The end of the verse says: He is a shield to all who trust in Him. His part is to be the Shield and our part is to Trust in Him. Trust in Him. What? Relax in the knowledge He is in control. Trust in Him as our Savior, knowing He died to pay for our sin, an